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In this writer's opinion, one of the greatest sports movies ever made was Bagger Vance的传奇.  The film captivates because it epitomizes the idea that sports teach life lessons thus deeming them valuable in the makeup of those who participate.  What makes the story of Bagger Vance unique is instead of the sport of golf, 高尔夫球运动, 通过试炼和磨难教会大发彩票平台人生的教训, 成功和满足, 彻底的失败, 或者一个人经历的甜蜜的胜利, it reverses the role and teaches the game through those life lessons already learned.  这是 especially apropos regarding the value of high school sports.  Whichever way one looks at it, the value of sports are the lessons they teach.  The truth is high school sports must intertwine with the very fabric of education-based athletics or there is no reason to have them in our schools.  这是, 也, 为什么在很多情况下是最有影响力的人之一, 除了大发彩票平台的父母, 在大发彩票平台年轻的生命中已经或将要成为教练.  That man or woman who genuinely understands that the judgment of their duties comes much later long after their charges are gone.   
The measure of my success will be the memories of their time on the team. 当然,我喜欢胜利.  但是,决定结果的是过程.  如果你的过程正确,结果就会随之而来新任马伦女子高尔夫教练大卫·拉姆斯登-伍德说.  Is he going to be that golf-whisperer who magically elevates the lives of those he instructs and, 因此, 大发彩票平台的女子高尔夫球队取得了巨大的成功?  这是 a lot of pressure to put on anyone, but I like to dream in that direction.  The point being, Coach Ramsden-Wood likes that challenging aspect of coaching.  正如他所说的"the greatest and most difficult sport that is played in the 8 inches between the ears.”  Anyone who has ever played 高尔夫球运动 knows that to be true, and Coach is wired to teaching the game within that 8 inch-span.  “ 实践将是创新的,围绕条件游戏. We will work on course management and understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses.  We will work on technical skills to make each player better.  And, God Willing, we will be a force to be reckoned with at events.  但最重要的是, in 30 years when the girls look back on their time in high school, 这支高尔夫球队将是一个美好的回忆, 有很多乐趣, that made them better students and people in the service of God as they set forth to achieve their goals

From where does Coach’s passion to teach and perfect and mold young lives originate? 从逻辑上讲, 在加拿大, 但就像大发彩票平台大多数人一样, 从大发彩票平台生活中真正有影响力的人开始, 大发彩票平台的父母.  So too were Coach Ramsden-Wood’s parents the force that influenced his direction in life.  It started with school and the importance education has in directing one’s trajectory in life.  They 也 steered their children to sports knowing full well the value competition and hard work have on the overall development of a person.  Both he and his sister were in the International Baccalaureate Program, 两人都成为了工程师.  Coach在康奈尔大学获得MBA学位.  However, all along the way, both he and his sister were immersed in sports.  His sister played squash and ringette and as an adult completed five Ironman competitions.  Coach Ramsden-Wood played hockey, as all Canadians do, as well as squash and golf.  随着他技术的发展,壁球成为了他的焦点, he set competitive hockey and golf aside and became an accomplished squash player.  He became so accomplished he went on to play on the Canadian Junior National Team at the World Championships and represented Canada at the World University Games.  因为他有双重国籍, he switched as an adult to represent the United States at the 1999 Pan Am Games and the World Championships.  他于2006年退役.  The age-old adage that there is nothing like competition to make one better - well, 拉姆斯登-伍德教练与最优秀的选手竞争过. 

高尔夫球在哪里发挥作用?  Coach Ramsden-Wood is our new girls’ head golf coach, right?  我敢说, 从他小时候起,高尔夫球就一直陪伴着他, and it has been the common bond that has tethered three generations from his father down to his own sons.  “Golf is the perfect sport and it’s always been a part of my life.  12岁的时候, my father would drop me off at the course on the first day of summer at 6:30 in the morning and pick me up at 6:30 after work. I played 36 holes a day and went from a 36 handicap to a 10. 第二年夏天,从10分到4分. It was a huge part of my relationship with my father and a huge part of my relationship with my two sons.而且,一如既往,竞争是最重要的.  Since his move to the 丹佛 area after retiring from squash, Coach has played in the State Mid-Am and State Match Play multiple times.  He won the Meridian Golf Club Championships twice in 2018 and ‘19.  他还帮助教练肯特丹佛高尔夫球队.  但, it has been the development of his youngest son under his tutelage that brings him his most personal satisfaction. “ I was the assistant coach at Kent for the men’s team last season where my son Benjamin played and was co-player of the year for their metro league. I’ve been his golf coach since he shot 104-105-97 as a freshman having never played competitive golf and now is in College at Aurora University in Illinois playing on their golf team.”   It’s that desire to share the knowledge one has coupled with the ability to connect with and teach kids at their level that is going to endear Coach Ramsden-Wood to his golfers.  这些是成为高尔夫耳语者的要素吗?  只有时间能证明一切, but I have this feeling there is going to be an enthusiastic and audible hush over the program in the years to come.